Coming Programs and Events for 2017:  

Unless otherwise noted, all programs will be held at the   Community Room in the school and will start at 7:00 p.m.



 October 18, 2017

Bob Cottrell will be presenting: Harnessing History: On the Trail of New Hampshire’s State Dog, The Chinook

History: When Arthur Walden bred a farm dog with a husky on his  Wonalancet, New Hampshire farm, he little knew that the result would be a legendary line of sled dogs. Walden, who had been a dog driver in Alaska for a time, brought the sport of sled dog racing to New England.


One of the puppies from the aforementioned litter, named Chinook after the warm winds that melt Alaska snows, stood out for his good looks, temperament, and working ability, and his puppies followed in his foot prints.

When Admiral Byrd was planning his expedition to Antarctica in 1928, he called on Walden and his Chinook dogs for transport. The original Chinook was part of the team. The Byrd expedition was a success, with one terrible exception: Chinook, 12 years old by then, wandered off and was never found.


In the famous sled dog's honor, the name Chinook Trail was given to a portion of Route 113A that led to Chinook's hometown in New Hampshire.

Walden retired after his adventures in Antarctica and passed on the job of taking care of the breed to Milton and Eva Seeley and Julia Lombard. Then Perry and Honey Greene took over, eventually becoming the only people to breed the dogs.

Over time, based on their falling numbers, the Chinooks earned the dubious title of world's rarest breed, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. At one point, only 28 of the dogs remained, and it was then, in 1981, that several people began the attempt to save the breed. They were successful, but Chinooks are still hard to find.

This should be an interesting and informative presentation and we look forward to seeing you there.

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